Pilar Alvarez

"In The Waxing Corner & Spa" we offer dual therapy called facial rejuvenation Biostimulation Collagen Induction with platelet-rich plasma,plus dermapen,technically highly recognized and used in countries like Argentina,Colombia,USA,Spain,Italy and France.Bioestumulate face means naturally stimulating the process of formation of collagen and elastin,without surgical intervention.
"The Therapy "is to process blood from the patient to obtain a major concentration platelets and fibroblasts,which are cells in our blood which contain cell growth factors,in charge of restoring the proper functioning of our cells.
All this by means of a blood centrifugation.This process is safe and reliable,since it is done in the spa with this costumer during the preparation of platelet concentrated.
"Later"the plasma is applied to the face as a mask and penetrates in the skin with dermapen,which is an electric pencil with micro needles that besides penetrate plasma skin,produces micro lessions in the skin that stimulating the formation of collagen,elastin and epidermal tissue,seeing the reflected in the skin,rejuvenate,increasing the thickness therefore,restoring its elasticity and firmness.with a decrease of highly visible expression lines.
"This Therapy "is an outpatient,easily and securely is autologous (obtained from The same patient)does not represent allergic reaction,plus the spread of disease transmission and infection is avoided because its large number of hemostatic factors prevents the formation of hematomas (bruises ).It is recommended from 30 years of age since,in this age decreased collagen and decreased the performance of fibroblast:or recommended from the signs of aging are present,since it is also used as a preventive treatment in younger people with healthy skin or as replacement therapy in people aged skin.Always seen a remarkable increase improvement in the quantity of the skin
"The Number"of session varies from patient to patient.The treatment is customized according to the requirements and the skin damage.In "The Waxing Corner and Spa"
We recommend one session every three months.
"As a Cellular Therapy "which acts on immature and deep skin cells,the effect begins to perceive from day 7 after application and is even more visible as the months pass.The effect is stable for may months.
:This also"applies for various treatments os scars,burns,skin wound,stretch marks(produces shortening and thinning os stretch marks)and cellulite.
"Another Treatments "performed is Alopecia(baldness)in case where it is demonstrated that is not due to genetic factors to regenerate the affected hair follicles.This combined whit dermapen achieving excellent results in a few sessions,therapy widely today in te USA and Europe.
*Maximum depigmenting, selective action over Hyperpigmentation ... $320.oo
*Restores and Reaffirms .............................................................. $320.oo
*Anti-aging with Growth Factors ................................................. $370.oo
Provides long-term, help to reduce the appearance of visible signs of aging.
Ideal for mature skin.
*Hyaluronic acid, topically .......................................................... $320.oo
Smudge wrinkles and hydration the skin.
*PRP applied topically (face & Neck) ........................................... $450.oo
Platelets Rich Plasma to Enhance Collagen Synthesis and skin Tightening